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Dec 12, 2022


Why the US Is Primed for Radicalization

Thor Benson for WIRED

October 27, 2022


How to De-Radicalize Someone on the Verge of Becoming a Terrorist

Tzuzamen for Charney Media

July 6, 2022


Looking into the psychology of Mass Shooting

A Little More Conversation with Ben O’Hara-Byrne For  Omny FM

June 27, 2022


The Use of the 3N Model Through Sports, to Reduce Extremism and Radicalization. (Scroll to 3.14 minute)

E Sport+ TV

March 18, 2022


$2.6 M in DOD Grant to Fund Studies of Climate Change Impact on Security

Rachael Grahame for Maryland Today

March 10, 2022

morning consult

Europe Has Embraced Ukraine’s Struggle. But Without Long-Term Planning, It Could Become a Nightmare

Matthew Kendrick for Morning Consult

March 7, 2022


Questions about the war in Ukraine and the Psychology of the Person who Started it

Jeff Salkin for Direct Connect

December 8, 2021


U.S. Threat to Squeeze Russia’s Economy Is a Tactic With a Mixed Record

interview with Patricia Cohen for New York Times

November 9, 2021

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Violent extremism is on the rise. How to prevent people from turning to hateful ideologies

interview with NPR Cincinnati Edition

November 4 2021


'Need, narrative, network' helps people fall prey to extremist movements, expert says

Cory Sharber for NPR Cincinnati Edition 

November 4, 2021


'Hate at Home' event addresses growing problem of violent extremism and how to stop it

Lucy May for WCPO Cincinnati

October 15, 2021


How to Moderate Extreme Thinking, Behavior and Obsessions at Work

interview with David Wilkinson for Oxford Review

September 11, 2021

kronen zeitung

20 Jahre 9/11: Warum tun Menschen so etwas?

interview with Martin Grob for Kronen Zeitung 

June 4, 2021


Was ist psychologischer Extremismus, Herr Kruglanski?

interview with Suzanne Ackermann for Psychologie Heute

May 6, 2021

mj logo

Doctor, Lawyer, Insurrectionist: The Radicalization of Simone Gold

Stephanie Mencimer for Mother Jones

April 20, 2021

washington post

Post-riot effort to tackle extremism in the military largely overlooks veterans

Paul Sonne, Alex Horton, and Julie Tate for Washington Post

April 14, 2021


How the coronavirus pandemic is changing us

Julianna Photopoulos for Science Media Hub

April 14, 2021


A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Professor Arie Kruglanski about our need for cognitive closure during COVID-19

interview by Julianna Photopoulos for Science Media Hub

March 2, 2021


Why Have So Many Recent Extremist Events Involved Ohioans? 

interview by Michael Monks for Cincinnati Public Radio (30:00 minute mark)

February 18, 2021


Psychologist details historic ties between pandemics and extremism

interview for CBS news

February 16, 2021

washington post

Pandemics have spawned extremist movements since ancient times 

Marc Fisher for the Washington Post

February 6, 2021


Biden is promising ‘unity’. But what does that mean

in conversation with experts: Joseph Stepansky for Al Jazeera

January 28, 2021


Leading New Age Conspiracy Influencers Plan Their Retreat to Utopian Lagoon

Anna Merlan for ViceNews

January 20, 2021


Experts discuss whether Biden can fulfill his promise to unite the country (third video)

News Nation

January 19, 2021


Confronting American Radicalization

Back Story with Dana Lewis

January 18, 2021


2021 Really Starts Now: 6 Big Predictions for the Post-Trump Era

Steve Levine on Medium

January 17, 2021


Joe Biden's Options for Dealing with Donald Trump are Worse than Watergate

Steve Friess for NewsWeek

January 15, 2021


Insurrection at the Capitol: The Escalating Radicalization of American Politics

interview with Becky Anderson for CNN World

January 13, 2021


Extremism then and now. My discussion with USSMH historian Dr. Patricia Heberer Rite

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

January 12, 2021


Arie Kruglanski: One Survivor's Quest to Make the World a Better Place

Yael Luttwak & Megan Maggi

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

January 8, 2021


Far-right extremists want to target more capitols, but are divided after D.C. riot

Richard Read, Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Anita Chabria for LA Times

December 15, 2020

Right-Wing Embrace Of Conspiracy Is 'Mass Radicalization,' Experts Warn

Hannah Allam for NPR

November 25, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse, Accused in Kenosha, Wis., Shooting Deaths, Is Released On Bail

Hannah Allam for All things Considered, NPR

November 15, 2020

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Al-Qaeda ‘in crisis’ after No. 2 killed in Tehran

Interview by Tarek Ali Ahmad for Arab News

October 30, 2020

COVID-19 a “golden opportunity” for terror organisations to intensify their propaganda – new study suggests

Taylor and Francis Newsroom

February 16, 2020

politics and prose
The Radical's Journey: How German Neo-Nazis Voyaged to the Edge and Back in Conversation with Dan Raviv

book store event at Politics and Prose

October 21, 2019

Interview with Dr. Arie W. Kruglanski

Sara Brzuszkiewicz for European Eye for Radicalization

August 7, 2019

Understanding Extremism, After Recent Mass Shootings

Liam Farrell for Maryland Today

August 7, 2019

How to Talk About People Disengaging from Violent Extremism

United States Institute of Peace (YouTube)

August 6, 2019

spotlight i24
Mass Shooting and Mental Illness

interview for Spotlight i24

June 18, 2019

Radicalization As 3NS

Dan Raviv for i24 (YouTube)

November 2, 2018

washington post
The psychology of how someone becomes radicalized

Angela Fritz for The Washington Post

November 1, 2018

Psychology of Violent Extremism

A conversation with Christian Piccolini for the MPOWER project (YouTube)

July/August 2018

mj logo

Inside the Radical, Uncomfortable Movement to Reform White Supremacists: As hate groups have surged, so has the number of extremists trying to escape.

by Wes Enzinna for Mother Jones

April 20, 2018

Reducing Prejudice through Empathy
‘Nature or Nurture -- Are We Hard Wired to Hate?’ 
moderated by David Gregory, CNN analyst

US Holocaust Museum (YouTube)

September 27, 2017


How to fight extremist psychology with social media

Miles O'Brien for PBS NewsHour (YouTube)

August 29, 2017

middle way

Closed Mindedness and the Middle Way

Middle Way Society (on YouTube)

November 11, 2016  

The Price of Certainty

OP-DOC by Daniele Anastasion for New York Times

November 11, 2016  

The Price of Certainty

short documentary movie by Daniele Anastasion on Vimeo

September 7, 2016

15 Years of Terror


September 2, 2016

New Season of ‘Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman’ Focuses on “Violent Extremist”


August 30 , 2016

science channel
What Makes a Terrorist
“Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman” Season 7 Episode 1

Science Channel

June 13, 2016

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Queer Muslims Exist—and We Are in Mourning Too

Samara Habib for Common Dreams

November 17, 2015


We Need to Re-Learn the Lessons of the Iraq War

by Kevin Drum for Mother Jones

April 21, 2015


The impact of ISIS beheadings: Is terror propaganda brutalizing us all?

Tim Hunter for CNN

January 14, 2015


Anti-Islam rallies in Germany

with Rosemary Church for CNN

January 13, 2015


Germany’s Anti-Islam Protests Play Into Extremists’ Hands: Jihadists seeking recruits can exploit public demonstrations.

by Jenna McLaughlin for Mother Jones

August 29, 2014


Here Are the Psychological Reasons Why an American Might Join ISIS: Psychologist Arie Kruglanski explains how closed-mindedness and existential angst create the modern American jihadist.

by Chris Mooney for Mother Jones

August 30, 2013

tbbt logo
The Closure Alternative 
Sheldon's compulsive closure therapy -- the big bang theory (season 6 E21) on YouTube


April 30, 2013 

new yorker
Why We Need Answers

Maria Konnikova for The New Yorker

August 20, 2012

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The Science Of Closed-Mindedness

Chris Mooney for Point of Inquiry

May 20, 2009

Is It Possible to 'De-radicalize' Terrorists?
U.S. psychologist: Israel should methods try successfully used by Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Yossi Melman for Haaretz

August 12, 2003

guardian 2
Study of Bush's psyche touches a nerve

Julian Borger for The Guardian

August 10, 2003

washington post
Theories Of Right Thinking

George Will for The Washington Post

August 4, 2003

Civilization: Conservatism on the couch

Lou Marano for UPI

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